Summer at Tambobo Bay

Summer at Tambobo Bay
oil on canvas

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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Where is God?

A Journey through Cancer
By Muffet Dolar Villegas
July 19,2009
When God is Silent
I met many hurting people through this journey. Husbands who lost their wives with cancer, children who lost their fathers who had lung cancer, widowed wives, grieving parents whose children died of leukemia.
A husband who just lost his beloved wife, kept on repeating to himself, “She’s gone…my wife is not coming back. She’s dead. I can’t see her forever.” And yet when he walks to familiar streets and turns to many corners, he sees her. The memory seems to live forever. Everything and everyone reminds him of her. The emotional pain is unbearable. The distance is unfathomable. The why is endless. To him, nothing is ever going to be the same again.
Where is God, is He listening?
When God is silent, we grope for answers. Sometimes we get angry, in other times we just crumble and we want to die too.
A man whose wife has been bedridden for months could not let her go. Her pain was numbed by morphine after morphine. Her body weak and most of the times she was not lucid. She did not want to die, not because she didn’t want the pain to end but she did not want her loved ones to grieve. So she hung on. Her tired body craved for rest, but she had to cling to dear life.
He looked at her. Sadness gripped his heart as he stared at Her emaciated body which was only a shadow of her few months ago. She was dying. He knew. But he wanted her to fight. If there is a glimmer of hope in her heart he knew she would be well again. God will heal. He will. But … the next morning, she drew her last breath. He was devastated.
He turned to God. He begged Him, and He seemed to be silent. Where are you, God?
It is hard to trust when there seems to be nothing beyond the horizon. When the silver lining has turned to gray. Where Is God?
When God is silent, He listens to our heartbeats. He listens intently with His heart. He holds us so close, that when the moment comes, He wants us to be still and know that He is God. Life ‘s end is just a beginning of another journey.
Can we trust God that when He is silent, He still holds us in the palm of His hand, in sickness and in sorrow, in life and in death?